Monday 23 September 2013

The Middle ages

The Middle Ages began in the 5th century.
The Visigoths invaded Roman Hispania and founded a kingdom with its capital in Toledo.

In the year 711, a group of moors came to the Iberian Peninsula and defeated the Visigoths. They called this territory Al-Andalus with its capital in Cordoba.

1. Year 711 Emirate dependent from the Caliphate of Damascus.
2. Year 756 Independent emirate with Prince Abderramán I as the emir

3. Year 929 Caliphate with Prince Abderramán III who took the title of Caliph in the caliphate of Cordoba.
4. Year 1031 Taifas the caliphate was divided into small kingdoms, all enemies.
5. Year 1212 Battle of Navas de Tolosa the Christian armies together defeated the moors and Al-Andalus was reduced to the territory of the Nasrid (Nazarí) Kingdom of Granada.
6. Year 1492 the Catholic Monarchs conquered the remaining territory.

At the same time, in the North of the Iberian Peninsula, some of the Christians were hidden and they organized themselves:

1. Year 722 Kingdom of Asturias: Pelayo the king
2. Year 910 Kingdom of Asturias became the Kingdom of León.
3. Year 951 Kingdom of Castilla became independent from León.
4. The kingdom of Portugal became independent from León.
5. Year 1230 Kingdoms of Castilla and León joined forming the Crown of Castilla .

In the Pyrenees:

1. The Kingdom of Navarra, the Catalan Counties and the Kingdom of Aragón were created.

2. Year 1137 the Catalan Counties and the Kingdom of Aragón became united creating the Crown of Aragón.

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