Wednesday 18 September 2013

Ancient period

The Ancient period (Edad Antigua)

1. Celts and Iberians

They are descendents from the first inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula during prehistoric times. Both Celts and Iberians were organized in tribes and they lived in walled villages situated high up on hills- to keep out attackers-.

1.1.Celts: were situated in the Central Plateau and the Cantabrian coast. They were expert metal workers and farmers. They did not trade much. They built round houses so the streets were not clearly defined.

1.2. Iberians: were situated on the Mediterranean Coast so they traded with the colonies that arrived to the peninsula such as Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians. They made their own coins. They were farmers and artisans – they created wonderful sculptures -. They knew how to write.

2. Tartessos and the colonies:

2.1.  Tartessos: it was a kingdom located in the Guadalquivir valley. They were experts working with metals because the territory was rich in gold, silver, copper and tin. They traded with the Phoenicians.

2.2.  Phoenicians: they came from Asia. They were expert sailors and traders. They founded colonies such as Gadir, Malaca or Abdera. 7th century B.C.E.

2.3.  Greeks: They came from Greece around the 6th century B.C.E. They sold ceramics and bought salt, esparto grass and metals.

2.4.  Carthaginians. They arrived from Africa around the 3rd century. They inhabited the Balearic Islands and some territories such as Cartago Nova. They wanted to control the Mediterranean world so they came not just to trade but also willing to conquer new territories.

3. Roman Hispania

They landed in Emporion in the year 218 B.C.E.  They were fighting against the Carthaginians in the Punic wars.  They expelled them from the Peninsula and they decided to occupy the place.  By the year 19 B.C. they had conquered all the territory (including the colonies and the celts and Iberians). They:

- Divided the territory into provinces.
- Each province had a governor (maintain order and collect taxes).
- They adopted the Roman Law.
- Latin became the official language.
- First, they worshipped roman gods and goddesses. Later, Christianity became the official religion.
- Roman society was divided into free people and slaves
- Free women had fewer rights than free men.
- They built many public buildings: theatres, amphitheaters, circuses, aqueducts, roads, etc.


  1. Me duele la mano de escribir

  2. o___O I´m glad you´ve included your comments but, pleeeease, the next time do it in English ★·.·´¯`·.·★ Thank you! Hope to hear from you soon.
